Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 917: Overcoming fundamental flaws within a business, with Stephen Woessner



Good Morning Onward Nation — I’m Stephen Woessner, CEO of Predictive ROI and your host. And holy bananas — it’s a New Year and a brand new DECADE! This time of year is special…maybe it’s because how much I love Christmas…or maybe it’s the second chance to get things right that each New Year represents. Between Thanksgiving and New Years — I intentionally take time to reflect back on what was accomplished in the previous year — and — consciously direct my attention toward the year ahead. I map out strategies, action steps, draw out illustrations in my journal of how it will all coming together — and when it’s done — I feel at peace with what is about to be put into place. Then with each passing day — as we get closer to January 1st — the excitement builds and I can’t wait for the starting line to get here!!! Because that line was just a few day ago — I elected to focus today’s solocast on two topics that will be helpful to you and your team if your goal for 2020 is to Double Down! And for covering the two topi