Rich Cleaner Podcast

"The #1 Job of Every Organization" with Verne Harnish



Episode Summary And Feed Content Verne Harnish gave a scintillating 10-minute talk at the 2017 Genius Network Annual Event.  In this episode you’ll hear Joe Polish’s introduction of Verne, followed by several minutes of highlights from Verne’s talk at the event.  Timothy Paulson adds strategies of application of Verne’s talk to the Cleaning and Restoration industry (including how Joe applied this to his own Cleaning Business back in the 90s). 
Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn in this episode:  • Highlights from Verne Harnish’s presentation • The #1 Job of Every OrganizationShow Notes • “The greatest lesson in history is that we fail to learn from history.” • An instructive story of Robert Taylor and “Soft Soap” • What’s constraining you, and how can you get control over it? • Where is the constraint in your business? • Case Study of Joe Polish’s Cleaning Business, circa 1992 • What Joe identified as the constraints, and how he took control and changed the Cleaning Industry • Where is the constraint in YOU