So You Want To Start A Business

E176 Angela Ficken psychotherapist has built a worldwide brand Progress Wellness



Like many business owners Angela Ficken reached a point where she was burning the candle at both ends. She took the plunge to start private practice … and thought she would “hang out her shingle” and that’s all she needed to do. It didn’t work out that way and in this episode Angela tells us how she overcame the “hustle of being in business which is a constant grind” She says that she learned very fast that: “Your pay check is as much as you hustle” Angela has built her business Progress Welness into a worldwide brand. She offers online products that take her expertise out into the world for a wide range of clients.  She tells us that creating the brand allowed the creativity side of her personality. In this episode Angela walks us through the process she used to build her brand and the entire suit of online products – so helpful for every business person. Angela Ficken, LICSW is a full-time psychotherapist in private practice. She specializes in OCD, eating disorders, and anxiety-related concerns. She starte