Askdeveloper Podcast

EP52 - AskDeveloper Podcast - MOOCs



- Quick history ○ Distance learning ○ Open educational resource movement ○ MOOC coined in 2008 by Dave Cormier ○ Khan Academy, P2PU, and Udemy ○ Udemy has tools for pros to create courses and publish (also attracting corporate trainers to create courses for enterprises) ○ Udacity growing out of Stanford CS courses by Sebastian Thrun ○ Coursera growing out of Stanford's Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller ○ MITx launched by MIT in response to commercialization of MOOC, then joined by Harvard and renamed edX - Cost ○ Content is free ○ edX offers certificate for 100$ for most courses ○ Coursera have some quizzes and grading exercises only for paying students ○ Udacity has nano-degrees with projects reviewed only for paying students - Interdisciplinary learning ○ Importance ○ Examples - For credit leaning ○ Georgia Tech masters 2013 with Udacity ○ edX have MicroMasters which offers for credit courses and earn 25% credit of on campus masters § RIT cybersecurity § University of Penn