Body Buddies Podcast | Nutrition | Fitness | Mindset

177: "Healthy Lifestyle Choices for Special Needs Families" with Mary Tate | Nutrition and Weight Loss



In this Body Buddies podcast episode, Mary Tate courageously shares her story of debilitation for over a decade with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from her teenage years through her mid-twenties. She lived in one room in her parents' home and didn't know if she would ever live a "regular" life. After she was able to find solutions, Mary got married to her sweetheart. She then had a son who brought new challenges into her life with what she discovered eventually as Sensory Processing Disorder. In her conversation with Kristy Jo, she shares the following: At what point of something being "off" with your child do you need to accept something is wrong? When do you take your child into a specialist? How years of Occupational Therapy and Tactile Therapy  slowly helped her son to begin functioning like a healthy, young boy. Sensory Processing Disorder--what it looks like, sounds like, and the experience of home schooling a child with SPD. How gut health is connected to helping her son function as healthily as possi