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INSPIRATIONS Creative Christians 0059- Interview Scott Hamilton



INSPIRATIONS Creative Christians 0059 Creative Christian Interview Scott Hamilton Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Sizemore Listening time approximately 47.58 SHOW NOTES Olympic gold medal winner, author and entertainer, Scott Hamilton talks about the 2010 Olympics, his upcoming show on the Biography Channel, and book “The Great Eight.”  Always an entertainer the podcast is filled with laughter and optimism as he shares information about his beating cancer. How does he feel about doing his famous back flip at 51? Does he do it on his television show? Listen to this entertaining Creative Christians interview sponsored by God’s Word Collectibles. Scott Hamilton on the Biography Channel 9:00PM March 8th, 2010. “Return to the Ice”   Scott Hamilton’s Short Program for the 1984 Olympics Scott Hamilton’s Long form for the 1984 Olympics And some of my favorite skating videos showing Scott Hamilton’s vivacious and entertaining personality on ice.  He is one of the greatest