Better Innovation

Better Innovation Season 3 – That’s a Wrap!



Our third season of Better Innovation was like no other. COVID-19 caused us to refocus our strategy; we took our own advice and had a series of ‘innovation pivots’ along the way. This led to a season filled with diverse topics - from artificial intelligence, to technical convergence, and ultimately a deep dive into what it means to innovate during a crisis. In this wrap-up episode, Jeff recaps a season of thought-provoking interviews from a truly memorable group of guests. We introduce emerging trends - such as, advanced technology governance, proliferation of private / public partnerships, and sharing data through new cooperative and trust models. In early March, we paused our artificial intelligence theme, and focused the remainder of the season on COVID-19 and Crisis Innovation. We had fascinating interviews with leaders who are innovating for the next phase of this crisis and beyond; those change-agents who are making it a safer and prosperous world for all of us. To close out the episode – and the season