The Tatiana Moroz Show!

Matt McKibbin of D10E & Liberty Panacea and Liz Reitzig of Nourishing Liberty



YouTube video here! Topics include: - the different beliefs in Bitcoin among the Bitcoin community - the future of Blockchain in real estate - getting farmers to adapt to technology - the role of government in the farming industry About the Guests: - Matt McKibbin has been discussing liberty, bitcoin, and decentralized applications hosting his radio show podcast Liberty Panacea. He has since co-founded the blockchain-secured platform for real estate transactions, is the Chief Decentralization Officer at, a conference dedicated to exploring decentralizing technologies and is now a VP of Business Development at which is helping to connect family offices interested in funding disruptive startups. Ultimately he believes the blockchain represents at technology which creates monetary and societal reformation much like the printing press aided in the religious reformation. - Liz Reitzig is a public relations expert, writer, public speaker, political activist and entrepreneur