The Tatiana Moroz Show!

Dor Konforty & Greg Meredith of Synereo



YouTube video here! Topics include: - Decentralization - Blockchain tech - Facebook paranoia - Future of social media About the Guests:- Dor, CEO of Synereo, is an expert on collaboration on the net and the wisdom of crowds. He has a master’s degree in neurobiology from an interdisciplinary brain research program in Tel-Aviv University, working on neural networks. He also is a graduate of the Israeli Air Force IT unit. Dor has been living and breathing crypto since early 2011. A child of the Internet. - Greg, CTO of Synereo, was the principal architect of Microsoft’s Biztalk’s Process Orchestration, sparking several industry standards including WSDL (of which Greg is a co-author). Greg holds many patents and has published many papers, including seminal papers on reflective higher-order calculi. supports his math habit by working in computing. If you like this content, please send a tip with BTC to: 1444meJi7YjgQGNg3U8Z6qYZFA5cgz4Gmj More Info: Friend