Soul Sister's Universe By Maria C. Krause

Eating disorders and emotional eating: How to start looking after yourself through slef-love and nutrition, with Suzanne Carpenter, Nutritionist Consultant.



Hello Soul Sisters, Welcome to another episode of Unchain Your Inner Strength. I hope these interviews are helping you to keep focus and motivated to continue to work on yourself and grow your business. Now, more than ever, we need for female entrepreneurs to shine their light, share their gifts and opportunities with the world.   In today's episode, we had the pleasure to interview the amazing Suzanne Carpenter, Certified Nutritional Consultant and the CEO and founder of CarpenterOne80. This is something that I don't share too often, but I am a huge fan of all things healthy, been since I was a little girl. Even on my teenage days, when I would do silly things, like getting drunk, I would always made sure to drink tons of water and eat something healthy the next day... It help with my mindset mostly but also avoided the bad hangovers. LOL! So I love, love talking about Nutrition, especially with an expert such as Suzanne. In this interview, Suzanne shares a secret with us that she thought she would have nev