Soul Sister's Universe By Maria C. Krause

Facebook Ads for new enetrepreneurs by Caz Wilson, Social Media Consistency Coach.



Hi Soul Sisters, Welcome to another episode of our weekly podcast, Unchain Your Inner Strength. A podcast where women entrepreneurs from all different background and niches join me to share their story and their most valuable tips to help you become successful in all areas of your life.   This weeks' special guest is Caz Wilson, Social Media Consistency Coach and Founder of Socialkitchenmedia. Either you are running a service based business or selling products online, Caz is an expert in all social media areas that will help you grow your online presence. In this interview we talks about Facebook Ads, since there are more people online at the moment, starting, building and promoting their business; I was intrigued about the increase of Facebook Ads and how beneficial they actually are. Caz shared her expertise on Facebook ads, how often you should run them? What's the best content for you ads to convert? Are video ads better than textual ones?  If you have been considering running Facebook Ads to increase yo