Soul Sister's Universe By Maria C. Krause

Create a kick ass LinkedIn profile for your business with Mildred Talabi, LinkedIn Visibility Coach



Hi Soul Sister, Welcome to another episode of our weekly podcast, UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH. A podcast created to help new and aspiring entrepreneurs take your business off the ground with easy, simple and effective mindset and business strategies. Our worldwide experts share their unique story and most valuable tips, tools and strategies to help you become more successful in all areas of your life.   In this week's episode, I have brought a LinkedIn expert, who taught me loads about the platform and how to make the msot of it.   Mildred Talabi is a LinkedIn Visibility Coach, she started her first business helping people create a converting CV on and off line and as the years progress, she specialized in helping entrepreneurs to create a kick ass LinkedIn profile to attract potential clients and convert sales consistently with ease and flow.     What is your favorite social media platform? Which one do you find works best for your business? I have to confess, when I started my business, I tried to be every