Soul Sister's Universe By Maria C. Krause

Moving with Confidence and Grace, with Wendy Ng, Dance and Movement Coach



JUNE’S MAGAZINE IS NOW OUT! UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH online magazine for Spiritual entrepreneurs is now available on our brand new website As always, everything you need to thrive and shine in life and business. Being your unique authentic self! Click here to grab your copy! . . Hey Soul Sister, Welcome to another episode of UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH podcast. A place to help entrepreneurs OWN their unique story, inspire, heal, and make a bigger impact. This week: All about moving your body and increase your Confidence What comes to mind when you hear the word Movement? Exercising? Jogging? Walking? What about, DANCING! One of my favorite ways of moving my body. For this week’s guest in Unchain Your Inner strength podcast for Spiritual entrepreneurs, we had a very fun and gracious guest, Wendy Ng. Wendy Ng is a Dance & Movement Coach. She helps women live consciously and confidently using mindful movement and dance. The reason she does what she does today is that she