Common Ground




Matthew 19:1-15And large crowds followed him, and he healed them there. And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause?” One might ask, "What is so taboo about divorce? Isn't the Bible clear that God hates divorce?" We would have to be a community not living in reality to see the hurt and damage caused by divorce. Relationships are at the core of what the Gospel means and yet it is sin in our hearts that drive so many wedges between us. What are the options when it comes to divorce? Should I live forever unhappy? Should I stay with an abuser? Can I stay even after my spouse has committed adultery? Why does God care so much and it seem the church care so little about these things? What do I do with my pain and my shame? Join us as we talk about the tragedy of divorce and how Christ can heal our broken hearts.