Common Ground

Self-Deception and Romance



2 Samuel 12:1-15 Nathan said to David, "You are the man! Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, 'I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you out of the hand of Saul. And I gave you your master's house and your master's wives into your arms and gave you the house of Israel and of Judah. And if this were too little, I would add to you as much more. Why have you despised the word of the Lord, to do what is evil in his sight? Our sexual bodies get us in trouble. What was created gets desecrated and what is left is either total repentance or total deception. In our final message on Self-Deception we will look at the lies we believe about love, sex, marriage, accountability and romance. Come thirsty for change and trust that God in his goodness wants to restore you even if that means complete honesty. Join us as we look at God's great romance for us in spite of our sin and how through getting honest we can be restored, made clean, whole.