Common Ground

Being Human is to be Silent



Habakkuk 2:20; Psalm 46:10; Luke 5:16; Luke 23:6-12 Matthew 27:11-14 "But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him.” Many of us are terrified of silence. We can't stand it when there are long pauses in conversation and we often fill every waking moment with noise, being it music, television, just any kind of background noise to calm the deafening silence. Yet, there is a kind of silence that we may be missing out on when it comes to hearing God. Is your relationship with God defined by what you learn with your brains? What you do with your hands? What you say in your prayers? The word relationship itself implies a two way form of communication and while we certainly have God's written word as a lamp unto our feet, we are also inclined to speak to the God of the universe through our mediated relationship of his Son, Jesus Christ. How do we hear God if we are not still? How can we sit still in our room if everything in our culture is demanding noise and distracting us? What rol