Common Ground

The God at the Beginning



Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." From the very first sentence of the Bible, we begin to see how the character and heart of God is put on display. Not only through the creation of the world, but also His character and heart are visible in the creation of animals and humanity. While this may answer a few questions about who God is, it's not long into the account that we begin to see ourselves for what we are. Beautiful, whole, created in His image, and yet with the capacity for great love and great evil. The rest of the account from Eden to Babel is full of messages that we need to hear and comprehend when it comes to following Jesus in the 21st century. This fall we will be exploring together some of the most foundational truths about God, his people, and the world around us. Join us as we live and move and worship together with Christ and his love at the center of us all.