Common Ground

Give to Caesar What Is Caesar’s



Luke 20: 19-26 November is traditionally seen in America as the "month of giving." Many people write down one thing a day that they are grateful for. Others plan a "Friendsgiving" while still others begin to see again those around us who are in the greatest need. There is something about this season that lends itself to gratitude and generosity and as the people of God, this is always a welcome reminder of what He has given. There is a story in the Gospels when some religious people were trying to trap Jesus in his words and allegiances. They asked a simple question, "Should Jews have to pay the poll tax to the Romans as we are now subservient to them even in our home country?" Jesus' response has gone down in history as one of the most famous things he ever said, "Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God that which belongs to God." Over the next two weeks at Common Ground we are going to look at the idea of money, mammon, taxes, images, and finally, what it means to live into the socio-politica