Common Ground

Toxic Masculinity



Matthew 5:1-16; Galatians 5:16-25 Surprisingly the term ‘toxic masculinity’ is not new with the #metoo #churchtoo movement. In fact, the term has been around for over 30 years but it certainly seems like it’s having its moment. Some want to blame men for all the issues in the world and others want to believe that ‘toxic masculinity’ is an attempt to feminize our boys and label any man ‘toxic’ who holds to a more traditional view of manhood. However, when you strip away the political and cultural agendas, there is no denying that something is perpetuating the rape, murder, domestic violence, sexual and intellectual dominance, and ongoing sexism and systemic devaluation of women's bodies and opinions, that comes with the term ‘toxic masculinity.’  When Christ transforms a man, what does he do? What is he transforming that man into? Who in the Bible gives us a picture of what redemptive masculinity should and can be? We see Joseph, we see Boaz, we see Paul, but we have the absolute best model for what it means