Common Ground

What a Dip!



2 Kings 5:1-14 We are in a series this spring that draws on and highlights the patterns of redemption that God has done throughout history. As bees have patterns in their honeycomb, so God has ways of restoring and redeeming those who we might think don’t deserve it. The story of Namaan is one such example. He was the captain of the Syrian army, a mighty man, a violent man, a powerful man, and one who had already invaded Israel and could at anytime, do it again. Yet in this story, it’s the God of Israel who has compassion on him and models for his people and the world, the kind of God that Yahweh is. The healing is strange, the whole event is strange, and yet God reveals something about his character that his own people had forgotten. Join us as we worship the author of life and the God of redemption.