Common Ground

A Prodigal Father



Luke 15:11-32 When it comes to our own sin and shame, why do we reject the Pattern of Redemption found in Luke 15? Do we have some innate desire to pay for our own sin? Some primordial malfunction that rejects the kind of father Jesus describes? Maybe it’s just that his character of love is just so unfathomable to our own patterns of revenge and resentment. The son chooses to quarantine outside the confines of the Father’s home and love and finds himself infected with shame, sin, and regret. The offer of the good life filled with sex, money, and power comes crashing down on him, and the turn toward home is the beginning of grace. This week we will look at the story of a Father who runs after his son even when he’s been infected. In this case, in the case of sin and death, it’s only the love of a Father who breaks all the rules that can save. This is God! Our Father.