Common Ground

The Married Body of Christ



1 Corinthians 13 & Ephesians 5:15b-33 God gave us a beautiful thing when he gave us marriage. Community amidst diversity as the two become one flesh. This is a great mystery and while there are several mysteries about husbands and wives living out a faithful marriage, there is no greater mystery than the marriage itself being an image to the world of how Christ loves the church. Our everyday life of running around has come to a screeching halt and our marriages are being exposed for how we have invested in them over the years. Surely there is more we can all learn about ourselves and our spouses in this time and may Christ in his mercy get all the glory! Join us online as we hope to encourage, teach, and equip you to live out the months ahead with your spouse in a way that our pre-lockdown life left us too numb to see.