Common Ground

Jonathan & David - Covenantal Affection



This sermon series and study on friendship will be a bit more than a Hollywood portrayal of "The one where Ross and Rachel were on a break." It will be a little different than "The one with the jellyfish." These five weeks will look less like Woody and Buzz and not even like Mr. Rogers and Lady Elaine Fairchilde. We think there may be more to friendship than what we've been offered. Perhaps our quarantine has exposed a deeper longing to a deeper kind of connection.  The Gospel from the beginning of God creating mankind is about friendship. If God is love than God gets to set the parameters and mark the boundaries of love and that is where friendship takes an interesting turn than just, "we were in the same sorority" or "we both have toddlers."  The way the Gospel talks of friendship is surrounded by this concept of 'mutual Christoformity" which is another way of saying 'bonded in becoming like Christ.' Friendship, C.S. Lewis would say, begins when one person says to another, "What? You too? I thought I was