Common Ground

Paul & John Mark - Reconciliation and Accountability



You will not be conformed to Christ on your own. No matter how hard you try, it takes friends and a church to live out the ministry of reconciliation because we hurt each other. We let each other down. We don’t know how far we have strayed from the road of Christ until another tells us how far off track we are. We can reject their words of rebuke or humbly listen to others as they remind us how far we have to go. The past two weeks we’ve looked at amazing friendships. David and Jonathan! Ruth and Naomi!! Come on, these are hard for us to relate to at time and so we come to the rub! The truth of the matter is that friendships are hard and friends let us down and even abandon us. The Gospel story does not let us off the hook when it comes to this kind of friendship either. Paul would preach about the ministry of reconciliation even if it was hard for him to practice it with John Mark! Truly having friendships that create a mutual Christoformity (walk together in Christlikeness) will demand accountability and re