Common Ground




As we work through the Seven Deadly sins we come upon the one that deals with our possessions and desires of things. Avarice is another way of saying, “I want it all.” Oftentimes this will be translated into the word greed but even that misses some of its nuance. Where did we learn that kind of behavior? Why did our parents have to remind us to share as a little child? How has greed played a role in our national conversations about economies, race, violence, wars, and the American Dream? On a personal level how has avarice or your desire to have it all, formed your heart in Christ? We cannot serve two masters right? Jesus said we will either love money or love God, but we can’t do both! Ask a friend to join you online this Sunday as we look at the scriptures and look to Christ as the remedy for our greedy hearts and put to rest this deadly sin.