Common Ground

Trust the Detour



To remember is to flourish in fidelity, to forget is the first step in idolatry. We have had months and months of our normal way of life disrupted and the temptation to forget Christ and his commands is ever present. When the bridge is out there is a detour sign that points us to the long way round. Israel found themselves forgetting God, forgetting his prophet Moses, and refusing the long way around to their physical and spiritual destination. We often think we know the best way to go or a shortcut without listening or following the instructions of the detour. For Israel, this disobedience, this forgetting, led them into one of the most idolatrous moments recorded in the Bible. Join us on Sunday as we talk about how to avoid the construction of Golden Calves and grow in our trust of God through and around the detours of life. See you at 10 am on Sunday! Grab the zoom link and share it with a friend and have them join us at church on Sunday as we sing, worship, and welcome the long way home!