Common Ground

So Be The Bridge



Being a bridge is painful. People have the opportunity to walk all over you, vandalize, and reject you. However, to stand in the tension between two paths and connect the least, last, and lost to the love of God and to be the conduit for that connection is the mission Christ has given each of us. So yes, the bridge is out. We can’t get to where we need to be from where we are, your friends need to see Christ lived out amidst systemic racism and hate. Our city needs to see the way of Christ lived out amidst fear of death and fear of Covid. Our families need to see and hear the kingdom of Christ lived out amidst greed, division, and political rage. The Good News of Jesus tells us that Christ has bridged the gap from darkness to light and from death to life. However, to follow Christ is to emulate Christ and to be that bridge for others. This takes practice but more than anything it forces us to love the unlovable. The way Christ loved us. Join us in our Zoom call on Sunday at 10 am! We can’t wait to see your fa