Common Ground

She Came Seeking Wisdom



This second message in our Faith Out of Africa series is all about wisdom.  We are familiar with the wisdom of Solomon but we are less familiar with the brilliance, regality, and resilience of the Queen of Sheba. She had caught word of Solmon’s wisdom and set out on the road to find truth. How much of your week is spent in the pursuit of wisdom? Who have you given permission to as the source of that wisdom? Do they have an agenda? Do they have the truth? This is another beautiful story in the Bible of how a foreign person came seeking after Israel’s God. Clearly, Yahweh had blessed Solmon and the Queen reveals her own wisdom in the seeking. We all need wisdom right now and I can’t wait to share this message with you! Join us on Sunday as we hear testimony, sing songs of hope, and grow in love and obedience to God. Share the zoom link with a friend and join us online at 10 am.