Common Ground

When He Was Weak, She Was Strong



This fourth and final message in our Faith Out of Africa series is about mother’s, leaders, their sons, and their husbands. Moses is on his way to lead his people out of slavary when he himself is bound to the chains of disobedience to God. The woman at his side, Zipporah from the African country of Midian responds in faith when Moses doesn’t. Who knows what the story of The Exodus would even be if it weren’t for the quick thinking and actions of faith by Zipporah! This is one of the weirdest accounts in the Bible and there is much that we cannot fully understand about the cultural practices of the Egyptians and early Hebrews. However, there is enough here to grow in our obedience to Christ and to know that he means it when he calls us to his covenant. I can’t wait for you to hear the testimony this week and be together to worship!  Join us on Sunday as we hear testimony, sing songs of hope, and grow in love and obedience to God. Share the zoom link with a friend and join us online at 10 am.