Make It Happen Mondays - B2b Sales Talk With John Barrows

241: The Art of Closing a Deal with Danny Read (Replay)



Thank you for 1 million downloads of Make It Happen Mondays Podcast! We are incredibly grateful for your listenership and couldn’t be more proud of this milestone. Let’s countdown the top 5 episodes of all time! Episode #2: This week we’re pleased to have an award winning sales rep on the podcast. You may remember back at Dreamforce, (Chili Piper threw a competition) judged by John Barrows and other sales leaders. The criteria to win was to tell the panel about a deal you closed against the odds, using teamwork and generating a great solution for the buyer a the same time. Enter (Danny Read) from G2 who was one of the winners. In this podcast, he talks us through the story of his deal and the hurdles he overcame. This is a killer episode for AE’s out there looking to master the art of closing a deal!