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#123 - 5 Things Men Do That Women HATE



Are you ruining your chances of meeting incredible women before you even start? Women HATE it when the guys they meet do these 5 things. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: How guys turn women off before they even say a word Why trying to impress women you're attracted to is the wrong move How to demonstrate REAL value and status when you're flirting Why you don't want to have TOO much in common How men manage to turn a win into a loss with this ONE mistake ...and so much more. RELATED LINKS: 5 Signs Women Want You To Approach Them How To Get Women To Approach You 5 Secrets To Make People Like You How To Be Charming Make The Right First Impression How To Tell Amazing Stories Transcript available at Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Want more dating advice? Check out my books at