Sounds Heal Podcast

Sounds Heal Podcast with Fran Bak and Natalie Brown



Fran Bak discovered the power of the gongs through her own spiritual journey and her life has been transformed. She is now bringing Western gongs to Bhutan and she is the only tourist that has been given permission to enter Bhutan since before the pandemic. In this podcast, we learn more about Fran, her background, how the gong has been a mirror of her own inner journey as well as her mission in bringing the gongs and sound healing to Bhutan. Please enjoy this inspiring episode with Fran Bak! *You can watch the video conversation at
 Natalie Brown:
Music by Natalie Brown, Hope & Heart This episode is sponsored by The Om Shoppe.
The OM Shoppe & Spa offers a vast array of Sound Healing and Vibrational Medicine tools for serious professionals and for those ready to make sound and