Gmb Fitness Show - Physical Autonomy

Your Fitness Training Is Not Your Job



How many jobs do you truly have? You most likely have a job that you get paid for, and you also might have a job within your family or home. Not to mention all the outside responsibilities, roles, and activities that require your attention each day. But which ones are your real jobs? Not having clarity on this can cause a lot of harm, especially in terms of personal fitness. On this episode of the GMB Show, Ryan and Andy discuss doing your job and doing it well. And more specifically, they look at how to discern what is and is not your real job. Many people fall into the trap of switching from program to program or making changes to a fitness regimen laid out by a professional trainer, simply because of something they read online or saw in a video. When it comes to fitness, your job is not to be your own fitness coach. Ryan goes so far as to say that if “you’re coaching yourself, your coach is an idiot.” In fact, your exercise programming isn’t your responsibility either. Your responsibility is to fin