Chatting Up A Storm - Claudia Cragg

Dr Carolyn L. White, The Virtual Burning Man Still Has Many Life Lessons for All



@claudiacragg speaks here for @KGNU with archeologist Dr. who, for over a decade, has been studying The # and its California location.  Her studies continue this year even though the festival has gone virtual due to #COVID19. Because the event requires participants to “leave no trace,” the site is according to White “an archaeologist’s worst nightmare.”  And yet she finds that #BlackRockCity is also the perfect site at which to conduct “active site” research, which looks not at ancient ruins, but at places that are currently inhabited.  How does one do archeology in a city that is at once growing and disappearing?  And what can we learn about cities from looking at one so ephemeral? In her forthcoming book, , White explains that there is something distinctive about active-site archaeology.  When conducting this type of research, one must “confront on a minute-by-minute basis the ways that the city’s residents are the creators, users, and destroyers of the city…. Black Rock City is not just a place where some