Third Eye Candy Podcast

Receiving the Present Moment



In this episode of Third Eye Candy, Andrea and Laura delve into the magical power of presence. They explore what it is to actually "be" present, the vast potential it provides for creation, as well as the obstacles we create around it. They discuss a few concepts that can bring us back when the "busyness" of the mind creates a pull into the past or future, and end with a powerful meditation of presence.   Highlights of this episode include:  How healing can only occur in the present moment. Change is not actionable... it happens in the now between action.  Looking at how the past and future are the actions towards creation but it's only in the present that we're able to receive, which might be the key to manifestation.  When it might be worth looking into whether asking, receiving, or giving is out of balance.  A new understanding of failure-- the failure is not what discourages us, it's the disappointment and judgment about the perceived failure.  Meditation on presence.