Learning Lab Education Radio

Be More Reflective By Blogging



In this episode, I explain why blogging is an important tool for modern educators as well as give a brief "how to" when getting started with a blog. Links referenced in episode: http://www.pewinternet.org/2014/02/27/the-web-at-25-in-the-u-s/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_blogging  What you choose to write about is up to you, but some ideas could be: Best practice from your classroom- this is a great time to draw on personal experience An idea or technique you’d like to try- get your thoughts down on how this new idea or technique could be used Book review- read something interesting related to education, share your reflections and actionable items with others, you’ll find that others will share their recommendations with you! Experience from a conference- bringing others along virtually helps to share your professional learning and can help to solidify what you yourself learned. The three part comment principle: Be positive- start with a compliment Build connection- draw a parallel fro