Learning Lab Education Radio

Movement in the Classroom



In this episode we talk with Justin Schleider who is a elementary physical education and health teacher in New Jersey, USA. I met Justin through voxer last year and was immediately impressed with his passion in making learning enjoyable, memorable and enduring for his students. I was fortunate to attend a session he was part of presenting last November at Ed Camp New Jersey called "Making Learning Stick". During this episode, we’ll discuss some of the physical constraints of traditional classroom settings, how to incorporate movement in learning content, and Justin shares some of his favorite resources for bringing movement and play into the classroom setting. You can see what Justin in up to on Twitter, he Tweets as @schleiderjustin, and his blog https://jschleider.wordpress.com/ Justin's favorite social media tool, he'll be quick to mention is Voxer, and I would recommend looking him up there if you Vox regularly. Did you enjoy this episode? Please remember to subscribe to Learning Lab Education Radio on iT