Unemployable: Advice For Freelancers And Entrepreneurs

What It's Really Like to Be a Digital Nomad



What exactly is a “digital nomad?”Here’s one potential definition:Explorer, Traffic & Website Builder, Always Striving to Be & Do Better. Driven by continuous exploration. Personally, professionally, and as a full-time nomad. At home in Canada & the USA but consider myself a citizen of the world.That’s the headline and description from one of our member profiles inside of the Unemployable Initiative — a member who certainly considers herself to be a digital nomad.It’s a concept we’ve discussed here on the 7-Figure Small podcast. And we’ve certainly discussed it over at Future Freedom. In fact, if you go to futurefreedom.com and register for the free email course, one of the lessons you’ll receive is about how to “unretire” and travel the world.But my hunch is that while many folks striving to build a personal enterprise are intrigued by the idea of being a digital nomad, it’s a concept that remains pretty abstract in most people’s minds.It’s aspirational, and it makes for compelling social media p