Dead Beat Film Society

128 - The Color Purple (1985)



We're painting the town PURPLE! Join the Dead Beat Film Society as we discuss our love for Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah's first film role (and an Oscar nom at that!), the brutal story opening and eventual rise of the main characters, the novel, the music of Seattle legend Quincy Jones, the controversy around a white man (Steven Spielberg) directing, color theory and the meaning of purple in the film, the interplay between religious and secular life in the film, 11 Oscar nominations and no wins, the idea of a new hero's journey, the importance of a black female focused story, and of course offer up 2 great sequel ideas (Steven call us!). Put on something purple and smash that play button for an in depth The Color Purple film analysis! (Special Guest: Purpelle Tramble) Click here to check out whats happening at Purple Reels LLC!