Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

How to eat on vacation without stress: Amber Sandberg: 263



Who loves to travel but stresses out when it comes to eating while maintaining their weight loss or maintenance goals? So many women feel anxious and nervous when it comes to going on vacations. It often times steals the joy of enjoying the actual vacation. Many women don’t even believe it’s actually possible to not stress out over what you eat or don't eat, but I’m here to tell you it is possible.  Women feel like they either need to eat nothing or they say screw it and deal with everything when they get back home. I understand this thinking because I fell into this trap for so long. Many trips in the past I felt like all the self talk happening in my brain took away from my experience and prevented me from truly enjoying myself. As moms we deserve to enjoy our family vacations, to be able to focus on what is actually important because here is the thing, our kids will grow up and we won't always have a chance to take trips with them.  We can't turn back time and get those vacations back.  When I travel now