Service Academy Business Mastermind

#184: How to Win Government Contracts with Randy Wimmer, USNA ‘91



“What would you do if you knew you would not fail? Fail as many times as you need to be successful. You only fail when you quit.” - Randy Wimmer (USNA ‘91) We’re so excited to have Randy Wimmer (USNA ‘91) on the SABM podcast today.  After 10 years of active duty military service, Randy launched his first Federal Government contracting company from his home after his kids went to bed and later sold it for 8-figures. With nearly thirty years either in or supporting the Federal Government, Randy is the ultimate “industry insider,” having owned multiple successful contracting companies. In 2018, he launched the Government Contracting Academy to mentor, coach and train aspiring entrepreneurs to achieve financial success in the Federal Government contracting market. In this episode, we discuss: What led Randy into the government contracting industry Why Randy launched the Government Contacting Academy How the Government Contracting Academy works What makes military veterans the most highly qualified individuals fo