Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#183: Maybe you're just lazy?



Hey!    The term lazy is definitely something that haunts a lot of us, especially entrepreneurs. There can be alot of shame, self judgement and frustration that washes over us when we think we’re being ‘lazy’.    However, we need rest and I’ll be the first to admit - I love being ‘lazy. Maybe it’s because I’m a taurus and we are notorious for wanting to chill, or maybe it’s because I know we’re not machines and therefore are very deserving (without having to earn it) of rest.    But today’s email and this week's podcast episode (listen here) is actually about a different kind of laziness, or rather two different kinds.    One is the kind that is rooted in us forgetting our brilliance, and becoming disheartened and therefore disconnected.    The other is becoming busy, being busy and therefore don’t have time for matters most.  I feel these actually impact our ability to live our fullest lives and create the magic we want to see in them. Not because we don’t work hard enough, but rather because we work way too