Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#184: Are your dreams actually just cookie cutter dreams?



Have you ever stopped and asked yourself if your hopes, dreams and goals for the future are actually yours?    When we buy a picture frame, it often comes with a stock image holder that's meant to be replaced.   Sometimes I feel the same is true for our lives. We get handed this life and we’re told we can fill it however we want, but that we forget to take that placeholder image out and end up creating goals for ourselves based on the placeholder - not necessarily what we deeply desire.     As an example, as a coach I find when I talk to other coaches, all of our goals and dreams sound the same. We want to build out variations of the same ‘funnel’s and offers’ and do variations of the same things - even though we are vastly different people.    It got me thinking that sometimes what we think we want is just really heavily influenced by what others we admire are doing, and then assuming we need to do the same.    But we don’t.    We get to be our own people, who do our own wild and beautiful things, we just ne