Work @ Home Rockstar Podcast

WHR 46 : Snowe Saxman - Business Strategist



My name is Snowe Saxman and I was a millionaire at age 25, then living on food stamps + bankrupt by age 35. Now I am earning multiple six figures on my way to millions again. I have been able to channel a painful past into a purposeful future and rebuild my global empire by teaching women God-inspired success, financial and business strategies. When I was at my lowest point living on food stamps after just filing bankruptcy, I cried out to God to ask Him what He was waiting on to bless me. What He said totally shocked me. He said, “Snowe, you are not waiting on me, I am waiting on you!”. After this defining moment, He began to show me that every way I handled money was fear based. I had so many negative thoughts and fears about money that I was actually keeping more from coming to me. I began a journey of transformation emotionally, spiritually and financially which I now teach to others. Creating more money ALWAYS starts with your mindset. Mindset is simply a way of thinking. Unfortunately, most of us have b