Work @ Home Rockstar Podcast

WHR 3.38 : Chris Delaney



SHOW NOTES Good Note: With low self-esteem from a young age, Chris always found himself in dead-end low paying jobs. Even landing himself a job paying 1£ an hour. Chris had a calling in life that he always wanted to help people but didn’t know how to make income in doing so. It started by helping with youth groups and disabled people with activities which came naturally to him. Later being asked to become a forklift instructor for the company he worked for, because of the “magic whisper “ that helped anxious colleagues. Bad Note: Bad notes happen all the time. With that same forklift job, Chris had to go assess other company drivers. Along with that came writing which Chris had a hard time with being dyslexic. He managed to find a methods that helped him better understand spelling in a way that just made sense to him and enabled him to persevere. With new ways and perspectives, there is always a way. Practice makes Progress: It becomes a subconscious thing with a lot of practice. Life is like learning a