Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

How to cope with grief during the holidays: Krista St-Germain: 261



Are you nervous about the holidays coming up and grieving your loved one? Today we have grief expert and life coach for widowed moms Krista St-Germain on the show. Krista shares with us how to best support ourselves when grief grenades come up around the holidays. She talks about the challenges that come up when trying to figure out how to spend the holidays, if we should keep the old traditions or try to create new ones.  We also chat about how we can best support our kids with their grief around the holidays. Lastly, I asked Krista how we can best show up for loved ones that have lost someone. One topic that stood out to me is when Krista told us that she always thought the goal was to be happy in life when she was younger and then she realized that wasn't the case. Hear what she says on this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out one of the episode's I did on loneliness and grief with Heidi McLaughlin: