Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Why all or nothing thinking doesn’t help you lose weight: Amber Sandberg: 262



Do you feel like in order to lose weight you have to be perfect? One of the most important things when you think about losing weight is to respect where you are and what is your reality.  You want to lose weight, you want stay on your plan, you want to start fresh tomorrow. You want to prove to yourself for the final time that you can create the changes in order to get the body and life that you truly want. These are all true. What is also true is that you like being able to eat when you want to eat, you don't want to pay attention to if you are hungry or full, you push things off till Monday or the beginning of the month, you want to keep doing what you are doing. You want to numb out with food so you don't have to feel the feelings that you are running from. You want to stay comfortable and not push yourself. These too are also true. A lot of times we have desires that are conflicting and that can often paralyze us. But if you can realize that even if you want the things that are keeping you where you ar