Life Long Learner

Ep. 52 - Learning from Niro Dayalan - Fingerprint of your soul



Gines is joined by guest Niro Dayalan in this week's episode Niro is was once upon a time a CIO and led a corporate lifestyle, however realised that was not a match for him. Currently, Niro is a business owner, Freedom coach, Life strategist, speaker, and cousin to Gines. They chat about how Niro's company, Unkonventional came about and how the name says it all. Niro shares his story of how his own life followed an unconventional path at every turn even from a young age. At a turning point, he realised it is not about fitting  into a conventional life but rather to belong.  Gines explores the question of even when people are unhappy in their current situation most people choose not to do anything about it. The fact is that we are used to it.  Niro explains his teaching of dharma. Dharma in transcript means fingerprint of the soul. Dharma is about getting in alignment. Niro chat to us about getting into alignment. Step one -  being done with the current life experience, step two - is lear