Arete Podcast With Richard Triggs

Gavriel Schneider



Gavriel Schneider is the CEO of the Risk 2 Solution group, founder of Presilience & program director at ACU, chair, and member of the Global Advisory Committee at Institute of Strategic Risk Management (ISRM), and a keynote speaker. Risk 2 Solution is a group of companies that focus on providing solutions in the Risk, Culture and Management, Safety, Security, Medical, Consulting, Intelligence, and Education sectors. Gavriel was born and raised in South Africa. He is trained in martial arts and has been the student of Dr. Dennis Hanover (Grandfather of Israeli Martial Arts). He holds a degree in Marketing Management and has done a master's and Ph.D. in Security Risk. His first job was as a Self Defence trainer. In 2001 at the age of 23, he set up his business in South Africa, where he worked with the government and corporations. Later he established his business in Australia. He has successfully conducted his business in over 17 countries and authored the bestselling book Can I See your Hands: A Guide To Si