So You Want To Start A Business

E164 Imposter Syndrome - what is it? and how do you "fix" it?



Kelli Komondor was our guest on episode 158 and in that episode she explained imposter syndrome in a way I’ve not heard previously. Imposter syndrome affects so many people which is why I want to bring you this episode with: Kelli's explanation of imposter syndrome how she found that she could start to overcome imposter syndrome the activity I work through with clients to help them realise their worth and to beat imposter syndrome In this episode I invite you to let me know how you go with the activity or if you need some help to please email me My guess is you are here because ..... My guess is that you are here because you are a business owner and what you really want - is to build and grow a successful business - whatever that means to you. We know that business owners want to feel more confident when it comes to the money side of business. Take Your Business Financial Health Check click here Having a successful business might mean making business decisions with reliable info